Day 11, Dominion

Yesterday I received an encouraging message from a dear friend. She has been reading the daily posts about fasting and God has challenged her in a new way. The messages prompted her to “think back to my very 1st fast, it was probably 10 years ago, I was grieved in my spirit about that, where would I have been spiritually etc. during all those years if I had been fasting? I’m not blaming anyone for that, but it’s crazy to think that I’m almost 48 & I didn’t start fasting till around 38. To be honest all those years I just never thought about it. I guess it wasn’t really taught in the church but I’m not really even blaming that because I owned & read a bible during those years. Anyways after meditating & repenting to God for that, I guess God didn’t need me to repent but I did anyways, now I feel a greater need to fast even more on a regular basis, not just twice a year. Mainly because I know the closeness to God & benefits from fasting or maybe God’s wanting me to make up for lost time,lol. But I had this thought the other day,

we believe in speaking in tongues but some people believe that was only for people in the bible, & I think a lot of people by their actions think that about fasting. They are probably like I used to be, they don’t even realize it, they don’t know what they’re missing out on. I’m not going to be like Adam & Eve & let my appetite steal my dominion!!! Getting my dominion back!!! Love you my friend & thank you!!! “

I agree wholeheartedly with everything she said. I can relate to the delay in fasting. I was past 40 before I successfully completed a fast. It saddens me now to think about all those wasted years, wasted prayers and lost power. Wasted prayers you ask? Yes, wasted prayers. After learning that there are some situations which can not change without the coupling of prayer with fasting, I now understand that those prayers, while heard, were not effective prayers. They were lacking.

I agree that there was and is very little emphasis and teaching on fasting in our modern day church. Teach on power, blessing, prophecy or the end times and people will pack the building to capacity. Teach on fasting and you get the same response as teaching on tithing. Anything that focuses on letting go, instead of receiving, and the crowds will tune you out. I honestly believe that it is not a lack of desire as much as it is a lack of understanding. Most preachers shy away from what makes people uncomfortable. Messages on tithing and fasting tend to make people very uncomfortable, so they are avoided.

I also agree that my lack of fasting can only be blamed on me. I too owned and read a Bible. I even have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, from a four year university, and still lacked the understanding of the importance of and discipline to fast. Knowing God the way I have come to know Him, I know He is not disappointed in me for the wasted time. He is disappointed for me over the missed opportunities.

My favorite part of the message she sent is, I’m not going to be like Adam & Eve & let my appetite steal my dominion! Think about that for a second. I have let that roll around in my head since I first read it and that is a powerful statement. A phenomenal revelation given to my friend and gifted to me. Today I refuse to let the cries of my appetite determine the outcome of my destiny! My flesh will not have a voice in what territory I take and what victories I achieve. I WILL win because there are situations I am fasting for that I WILL have dominion over!

I encourage you today to get a holy boldness in your spirit. If you are struggling with your appetite and

feel like you can not complete the fast, think about what is at stake. Remember your why for fasting. Are you willing to let the enemy continue to have dominion over that why, or are you ready to take it back? Put your determination into words. Write a declaration in your journal. Read out loud everyday. Words spoken out loud travel on never ending sound waves. Sound waves do not disappear. Once they exist they are always there. Speak them out as a constant reminder to your enemy that you are taking back what God has given you dominion and authority over.

See you tomorrow!

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